Last night, Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz walked their first red carpet together – as a married couple or otherwise. I just talked about this yesterday – I was surprised that Daniel and Rachel hadn’t done any red carpets together for any of the premieres of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and magically, hours later, Danny & Rach followed through. I don’t want to say it’s because of my musings, but it totally is. Anyway, Daniel and Rachel did their big red carpet debut in Madrid, for the GWTDT’s Spanish premiere.
Rachel is wearing Alexander McQueen. I’m not completely in love with the dress, but it’s nice enough and Rachel looks pretty. Shortly after she and Daniel got married, she was in NYC, promoting a film, and she looked AMAZING. Like, she looked like she was coming off of an insane sex bender. Her skin was glowing, her body looked fantastic, and she just looked so happy. She looks happy here… but maybe a little tired? Maybe Daniel just wants to bone her, like, constantly. Maybe that’s why he’s so smiley and happy! He’s all, “Check out my wife. I’ve already boned her three times today!” That being said, I no longer think Rachel is already pregnant. Look at that tiny waist! Not yet. But she might be soon.
Last summer, I wrote about a story in which an eyewitness described Daniel and Rachel as “hotter than Brangelina.” Which is still a question in my mind – now that Daniel and Rachel have done their first red carpet together, who is a hotter red-carpet coupling? Craig-Weisz or Jolie-Pitt? Honestly, I’d like to watch both couples.
Photos courtesy of WENN.